Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Natural Remedies On How to Stop Sweaty Armpits

To be more active and productive in your daily endeavors, you must always have the clean and fresh feeling. It is necessary to uplift your mood to feel cool and happy.

But some people are having difficulty to feel being fresh and clean. Their sweaty armpits are the main culprit. It is an annoying burden to most people having wet armpits which can be noticed by others. How to stop sweaty armpits is a big problem to them.

[ How To Stop Sweaty Armpits Naturally ]

Sweating is a natural way of cleansing your body in and out. It cools down your body temperature when you are in a warm environment. But some people are constantly sweating even if it is not warm. This kind of condition is affecting almost 60 percent of the population. This abnormality is referred to as hyperhidrosis which could be hereditary by nature.

There are natural and simple methods that you can consider on how to stop sweaty armpits. You can choose the natural methods instead of the surgical or medical alternatives. Fatty foods can cause sweating so you must avoid eating them. Proper and balanced diet is also highly recommended.

You can also use some antiperspirants and deodorants as your way to stop sweating armpits. Aluminum chloride is their main ingredients which efficacy is only good for moderate cases of underarm sweating. A heavy dose of aluminum chloride might not be good for you since it causes skin irritation.

There are some oral medicines available to stop sweaty armpits. If you choose to use this regimen, it is recommended to consult your doctor first because some people have proven it to have side effects.

Natural method like the use of lemon juice is the best way on how to stop sweaty armpits. Just apply lemon juice to your underarm preferably after shower. This method is safe and almost cost you nothing.

Surgical procedure to stop sweating could be your option but you need to decide well. It is expensive and painful. Being well informed about how to stop sweating armpits gives you better ideas to solve your problem. What it takes is only a few of your time and effort to achieve it.

You don't have to continue living your life in fear and embarrassment. How to stop sweaty armpits is only a click away. Check out these excellent resources at - How To Stop Sweaty Armpits The Natural Way


  1. Yes, natural remedies is best for any diseases. One great way to stop excessive sweating that I have found to work well, is raw honey and apple cider vinegar. Else go for hyperhidrosis antiperspirant and out into the rest of the sweating world.

  2. Another helpful natural remedy to stop excessive sweating in armpits is by taking regular showers and maintaining personal hygiene. dermatology laser

  3. There are some oral medications available to stop sweaty armpits. If you intend to use these drugs is always best to consult your doctor first, because these drugs can also cause adverse reactions.

    excessive armpit sweating

  4. How can hyperhydrosis be "abnormal" if it affects 60 percent of the population. That kind of majority sounds "normal" to me.

  5. There's another resource of hyperhidrosis: feet sweating article.

  6. Read this success story on how this lady stop her underarm sweating problem:-

    How to Stop Underarm Sweating

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Natural methods such as lemon juice are very good. However they are not able to replace the support of paper pads. I was in the beginning sceptical towards that solution. Although I learned it hard way, what excessive sweating means, I could not convince myself. Once upon a time I came across zeromarks . At first I thought it would be troublesome to walk around with a paper pad under my armpit. I was truely amazed when I noticed how comfortable it is. Moreover it is strong enough to keep shield in place for 24 hours without ruining the clothes. Sounds good, doesn't it?

  10. Excessive Armpit or Underarm Sweating is common problem, it can cause psychological and emotional distress, that can affect professional as well as personal relationship, which can make you feel embarrassed or ashamed. However, there are various ways to deal with sweat or overcoming excessive armpit sweating problem.
